Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Submissions for: Pets

The Gauntlet board members have decided that the winner of 'pets' will receive a goldfish.

Vote using the poll in the top left.
Comment w/ critique!

Click the photos to see them bigger.
Click the post title (Submissions for: Pets) and the comment system will be on the bottom of the post.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Some fascinating submissions.  Don't forget, there's a two week challenge on right now (Patience or Waiting is the theme) so take a photo for that too. 

This is why I pooped on the carpet:
No Exif Data

 Cool Cat:
No Exif Data

Meow Mixtape:
f/3.5 - 1/80th sec. - ISO 100 - 140mm w/ 20 mm Extension Tube

Lazy Day:
f/2 - 1/15 sec. - ISO 200 - 127mm 

Mommas Baby:
No Exif Data

Nard Dog:
f/4.1 - 1/20th sec - ISO 1600 - 40mm

Old Timer:
f/1.8 - 1/30th sec. - ISO 450 - 75mm

The Burnsey Public Zoo:
No Exif Data

Mr. Potato Head:
f/16 - 1/60sec. - ISO 100 - 82mm

Fish Head:
f/8 - 1/180sec. - ISO 100 - 57mm

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Results for: Whats in your fridge?

1st: Ryan Keenan w/ Chocolate, Baby! (10 votes)
2nd: Christine Martuchi w/ Spotted (2 Votes) &
3rd: Aaron Montoya w/ Well the lights go down... (2 Votes)

4th: Tara Brodene w/ Beef, Its whats for dinner (1 Vote via email)
       Allison Maestas w/ Domos Hiding spot (1 Vote)
        Tony Brodene w/ Super Classy (1 Vote)
        Kyle VanVeeren w/ No Use (1 Vote)
        Aaron Martuchi w/ Octoberfest (1 Vote)
        Kohlton Laube w/ Marie Sharps Looms (1 Vote)
5th: Chelsea Mellinger w/ I scream for ice cream
       Tessa Sholders w/ Bottles up 

Well, Ryan Keenan totally dominated last week. Good Job, Ryan. (said sarcastically. I kid I kid)
Be sure to look at the new (2 Week!) Challenge.

Patience or Waiting

This weeks theme: Patience or Waiting.

This will be a two week theme!
1/24/12 - 2/7/12

The theme is Patience or Waiting. That's what you will be having and doing to go two whole weeks without a new theme. As always, feel free to interpret it how you may.

Photos due Tuesday February 7th.
Voting begins February 8th.

Patience: ;)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Change of Times!

Hey everyone,
The Photo Gauntlet board members sat down and we've decided that Gauntlet themes will come out Tuesdays from now on instead of Sundays! This will give everyone the whole weekend to get a photo, plus it'll be easier for me.
So to be clear, photos will now be due by Tuesdays, and new themes will come out Tuesdays. 
Unless otherwise noted. So check back tomorrow.

This means if you still haven't submitted for "Pets" you still have a chance.

In the meantime here's some other reading:

Remember to submit your photos like this:
Name (of Photographer) - Theme - Name (of Photo)
Ryan Keenan - Whats in your fridge - Chocolate, baby

Ps. Tell your friends about the site, and if they want to submit just give them the email:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Submissions for: Whats in your Fridge?

Rule Change:
From now on everyone should submit pictures to Put the photo's Title and the photographers name in the subject line. 
Example: Garifuna, Derrick Workman.

On to the submissions:

Vote using the poll in the top left.
Comment on why you chose who you did, so we can get better.

Click the photos to see them bigger.

  • Click the post title (Submissions for: Whats in your fridge?) and the comment system will be on the bottom of the post.
  • For those that submitted, you are welcome to vote, just not on your own photo. That's just rude.
  • Remember to look at the results of the "Portrait" challenge and the new challenge! (Pets)

Thanks to all that submitted. Don't forget to submit for the new challenge! Hope everyone had fun with it. Some entertaining  submissions this week.

Here they are:

Beef, It's Whats For Dinner
f/5.6 - 1/100sec - ISO 200 - 450mm
 Marie Sharps Looms.... BEWARE!
f7.1 - 1/100sec. - ISO 160 - 50mm
 Domo's Hiding Spot
No EXIF Data
 Chocolate, Baby!
f/2.8 - 1/80sec. - ISO 200 
 Super Classy
f/2.8 - 1/30sec. - ISO 1100 - 75mm
 I Scream for Ice Cream
f/4 - 1/15sec. - ISO 800
 Spilled Milk/No Use
f/2.6 - 1/30sec. - ISO 125
f/5 - 1/6sec. - ISO 800 - 67mm
f/8 - 1/125sec. - ISO 200 - 88mm

"Well the lights go down in Brooklyn, as she's walking out the door. Oh and they're lining up like soldiers, going off to fight the war."
No Exif Data
(wonder whos picture this is...probably someone who still thinks this is a sentence structure competition.)

Bottoms Up!
No Exif Data

For those that care: Instead of posting the real focal length (eg. 50mm) Ill be posting the 35mm equivalent focal length so that its more comparable between photos, since we all use different cameras.


This weeks challenge: Pets
Due by 1/22/12
Voting begins 1/23/12

Take a picture of your pet! Or someone elses pet. Or something you think of as your pet.

Get creative, but it has to apply to the challenge.
Remember to take the photo this week, no photos from the past.
Submit your photos to my email: in JPEG format.

Results For: Portrait

The results for "Portrait" are:

1: Andre Pina w/ Old Time!
2: Jamie L. w/ Duplex (Tie)
2: Kohlton L. w/ Mostly Made of Paint (Tie)
4: Kyle V. w/ The Darker Side of Me
5: Tara B. w/ The Bird (Tie)
5: Chelsea M. w/ Theres a Flower in my Eye (Tie)
6: Danielle B. w/ Hermana Carlota (Tie)
6: Mike B. w/ Violet (Tie)
6: Aaron M. w/ Hills Sunset (Tie)
6: Alisson M. w/ Inflated Face (Tie)
10: Trevor G. w/ Hey Kiddies Disqualified. I was there when you took that and it was most certainly not last week. THIS IS A GAUNTLET NOT A PIE MAKING CONTEST. COME ON, TREVOR!

Whew that got wild. There were 43 total votes.
Congrats to Andre. Stellar picture and was well deserving of a big W.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Rules!

From now on  if you'd like to submit, send your photos to 

That way I can stop missing peoples submissions in the mix.

Thanks and keep the awesome submissions coming!

Keep tuned, there might be a prize over the next couple weeks, of course besides the glory you get from winning.

Use that email for anything gauntlet related too. (suggestions, theme ideas, etc.)

Talk to you soon!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Submissions for: Portrait

Vote using the poll in the top left.
Comment on why you chose who you did, so we can get better.
Click the photos to see them bigger.

  • Click the post title (Submissions for: Portrait) and the comment system will be on the bottom of the post.
  • For those that submitted, you are welcome to vote, just not on your own photo. That's just rude.
  • All the photos this week will be anonymous. (Until the results)
  • Remember to look at the results of the "Music" challenge and the new challenge! (Scroll down)
Thanks to all that submitted. Portraits were pretty hard for me, I think I definitely should have waited on this challenge until my skill level reaches maximum. Don't forget to submit for the new challenge! Hope everyone had fun with it.

As always, if you didn't supply a name then I made one for you.

If you would like to vote for "Life" or "Garifuna" then please say so in the comment section. They are not on the poll.
Here They Are:

Hermana Carlota
 f/2.7 - Exposure Time: 1/400sec. - Zoom Length: 6mm - ISO 50

 f/1.8 - Exposure Time: 1/8sec. - Zoom Length: 50mm Fixed - ISO 800

Inflated Face
 No Exif Data

 f/4 - Exposure Time: 1/60sec. or so Kodak tmax 400 35mm Film

The Darker Side of Me
 f/2.6 - Exposure Time: 2sec. - Zoom Length: 4mm - ISO 80

"Hey Kiddies"
 No Exif Data

Theres a Flower in my Eye
 No Exif Data

The Bird
f/3.5 - Exposure Time: 1/800sec. - Zoom Length 50mm Fixed - ISO 400

"Mostly Made of Paint"
f/5.6 - Exposure Time: 1/50sec. - Zoom Length 25mm Fixed - ISO 100

Old Time
 f/4.5 - Exposure Time: 1/8sec. - Zoom Length: 42mm - ISO 100

Hills Sunset
No Exif Data

 No Exif Data

Exif Data may or may not be there, i'm just too lazy to get it.

Results for: Music

The Results for Music Are:

1st: Kohlton Laube won with 10 votes.
2nd: Aaron Montoya with 6 votes.
3rd: Andre Pina with 4 votes.
4th: Nick Hanstein with 3 votes.
5th: Tony Brodene and Jamie Labadie with 2 votes each.
6th: Derrick, Christine, Meghan and Tyler all tied with 1 vote each.

Good Photos everyone!

Andre pina RECEIVES the honorary terrifying photo award.

What's in your Fridge?

This weeks challenge: Whats in your fridge?
Due by 1/15/12
Voting begins 1/16/12

Get creative, but it has to apply to the challenge.
Remember to take the photo this week, no photos from the past.
Submit your photos to my email: in JPEG format.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Submissions for: Music

Here's the submissions for last weeks challenge: Music 
(Voting ends 1/8/12)

Vote using the poll in the top left.
Comment on why you chose who you did, so we can get better.
Click the photos to see them bigger.
  • Click the post title (Submissions for: Music) and the comment system will be on the bottom of the post.
  • For those that submitted, you are welcome to vote, just not on your own photo. That's just rude.
  • All the photos this week will be anonymous. (Until the results)
  • Remember to look at the results of the "Music" challenge and the new challenge! (Scroll down)
Thanks to all that submitted. It was a tough challenge. Don't forget to submit for the new challenge!

Here they are:

Mixed Media:
 f/3.2 - Exposure Time: 1/25 sec. - Focal Length: 25mm - ISO 500

 f/5.6 - Exposure Time: 1/10 Sec. - Focal Length: 42mm - ISO 1600

Play That Harmonica White Boy
No EXIF Data

Musical Grafitti
 f/9 - Exposure Time: 1/1000sec. - Focal Length: 55mm - ISO 400

 f/1.8 - Exposure Time: 1/400sec. - Focal Length: 50mm - ISO 400

Ipod Super Classic
 f/2.8 - Exposure Time: 1/20sec. - Focal Length: 5mm - ISO 500

 f/5.6 - Exposure Time: 1/45sec. - Focal Length: 28mm - ISO 100

Twisted Around the Sweet Sound of the Lies You Told When You Were Broken
(Easy on the title length, turbo, this is a photo contest not a poetry contest.) 
No EXIF Data

f/5 - Exposure Time: 1/3sec. - Focal Length 39mm - ISO 1600

Dancing Queen
f/4 - Exposure Time: 1/3000sec. - Focal Length: 31mm - ISO 100

Results for: Park

Heres the results from the "Park" challenge:


Chelsea Mellinger has the favorite photo! 
2nd: Tony Brodene and Aaron Montoya tied for second.
4th: Kohlton Laube came in fourth.
5th: Aaron and Christine Martucci came in fifth.
6th: Karly Montoya came in sixth.
7th: Tara Brodene lost.

Heres some late submissions:

From Jamie Labadie:

From Vaughn Laube:

From Mike Brodene:

From Derrick Workman: