Saturday, April 14, 2012

Submissions for: Free For All

Here's the submissions for "Free for all". Some really good pictures, and thanks to all who submitted! The poll will be up tomorrow, Sunday. Look for now, vote tomorrow! Voting ends on the 24th. 

PS Sorry for the delay again, my laptop bit the dust. (thanks to Aaron Montoya for letting me use his)
Here they are:

What Owls?:
Appears to be a painting. Paintings dont have EXIF.

No Exif
 Large Man or Little Woman?:
f/8 - 1/640th - ISO80
 Wave Machine:
No Exif
No Exif
 Springtime in Tribeca:
f/22 - 1/50sec. - ISO1600
 Spring Has Sprung:
f/8 - 1/200sec - ISO200
 Road Trip:
No Exif


Spring is upon us! Yes it is supposed to snow monday, but still. Take a photo of spring. It's up to you what it is of course. This particular challenge was inspired by two photos in the current challenge, so thanks to those photographers.

This challenge will go for two weeks. It will end Tuesday, April 24!

Get to it!

Results for: Long Exposure

The results for long exposure are as follows:

It wasn't even a challenge for the seasoned vet, Christine!

1st. Christine Martucci w/ Bridgescape
2nd. Kohlton Laube w/ City Boat
3rd. Aaron Martucci w/ Invisible Figures
Heres the winner!

f/9 - 13sec. - Tripod