Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Submissions for: Patience/Waiting

Vote using the poll in the top left.
Comment! Or Aerosmith will not play your next party.

Click the photos to see them bigger.
Click the post title (Submissions for: Patience/Waiting) and the comment system will be on the bottom of the post.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Some patient submissions. 

If you would like to submit for the current challenge, just take your photo that goes w/ the theme (doorways) and email it to

f/1.8 - 1/640th - ISO 400 - 75mm

Wet Paint:
f/3.2 - 1/8th - ISO 400 - 27mm

Living With Little Ones:
f/2.8 - 1/30th - ISO 200 - 6mm (P&S)

"It seems strange how we used to wait for letters to arrive, but what's stranger still is how something so small can keep you alive.":
In Soviet Russia, Long Picture Titles Eat You. 

This Old Truck:
f/5.6 - 1/350th - ISO 3200 (Kodak TMax p3200 35mm Film) 

Unequivocal Patience:
No Exif Data

A Watched Pot/The Patient Becomes a Patient:
f/2.8 - 1/25th - ISO 100 - 50 mm - Remotely Fired FL-36 Flash